Winter’s Coming? Be Sure To Store Your Sports Gear Properly

After months of use, you’ve probably noticed your gear has been wearing down. While many people may get rid of their items after they’re no longer useful, there’s a better way to keep your sports items in good condition: storing them properly while they’re not in use.

Waterproof Your Bags

If you have a bag that’s not waterproof, there are a few things you can do to make sure your sports gear stays dry. One option is to buy a waterproof bag and store it in there. This will keep everything safe and sound from water damage for as long as possible. Another option is to spray the inside of your bag with waterproof spray before putting any sports equipment inside (just make sure all parts are covered).

Another good idea would be to put each individual piece of clothing or equipment into its own plastic bag first–then place those bags inside another larger plastic one before storing away with other items from this list!

Store Together

  • Store your gear in a cool, dry place. You can store your equipment in a garage or basement, but it’s best to keep it away from other items that might get damaged by moisture or heat.
  • Don’t store your sports equipment with food or other items that can damage it. For example, don’t put hockey sticks next to pots and pans in the kitchen cabinet–the metal blades will scratch up the cookware over time!
  • Don’t store your sports equipment in direct sunlight because this will cause fading and discoloration of fabrics over time as well as cracks on plastic parts like helmets and goggles (not good).

Give A Little Air

If you want to keep your gear in good shape, it’s important that you store it correctly. The most common mistake is storing items in plastic bags or containers. This has two major drawbacks: firstly, they can trap moisture and lead to mildew; secondly, they don’t allow air circulation around your equipment which could cause the material of the item itself (and even its stitching) to deteriorate over time.

The best option for storing sports gear is using a breathable container like an open-weave bag; these allow both water vapor and oxygen exchange so that mold doesn’t form on damp items like towels or jerseys when kept for long periods of time before use again

Use A Protectant

There are several options when it comes to keeping your gear in good condition. If you have a leather-like material, then consider using a leather protector or waterproofing spray. You can find these at most hardware stores, and they’ll help keep your gear from drying out or cracking over time.